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Dongguan qiangshun Printing Co., Ltd
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How to choose the mid autumn moon cake box? Qiangshun printing tells you

Return to list source: Issue date::2022-08-17
Want to add value to your mooncakes? Do you think your moon cakes are popular with the public? The moon cakes that sell well must be inseparable from the moon cake packaging box.
I. good material selection +
II. Good packaging design +
Three, highlight the quality of the process = good moon cake packaging box, the three are indispensable.
Therefore, it is very important to select a strong manufacturer of moon cake boxes, which directly affects the sales of moon cakes.
After all, for Chinese people, the mid autumn moon cake is not so much a kind of food as a kind of culture. It is a sustenance for communicating feelings and transmitting friendship, and carries the blessings and expectations of the people from generation to generation. Therefore, the packaging design of the moon cake box reflects a kind of moon cake culture. A good packaging design of the moon cake box can increase the cultural taste of the moon cakes and is conducive to the sales of the moon cakes.
The company has always attached great importance to customer service and brand promotion strategy. Its brand products include: shell lubricating oil color box, bell helmet box, German horse brand, Cosmo headlamp, Huawei, Unicom, telecom, Mia, Nb, Reebok, and so on

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